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  5. 2.17.2 – GST eInvoice/IRN generation

2.17.2 – GST eInvoice/IRN generation


July 03, 2021

GST e-Invoice/IRN generation

Objective : To enable GST eInvoice/IRN generation from the application itself.

Feature: In Sales –> Invoice listing and Invoice Edit pages, a button labelled Generate e-Invoice will now be available. Bulk generation is possible from Invoice Listing page, whereas per Invoice generation is possible from the Invoice Edit page.

Prerequisites to make use of this Utility:

  • Enterprise must have
    • a GSTIN & it must be captured as part of Registration details of the Enterprise Profile.
    • a valid GST Portal credentials
  • Invoice generated must have
    • valid HSN Codes assigned for their line Items.
    • Customer GSTIN/UIN properly updated in the Registration details of the Party Profile.
    • applied valid set of taxes for the Invoice, based on the States of the Enterprise & the Customer. i.e., the CGST + SGST or IGST profile must be appropriately applied. (This will be assisted by the application in subsequent releases)

Authenticate GST portal for first time
Bulk-generate eInvoices

The Bulk generation feature will be available for Invoices generated within the last 24 hours. IRN generation will be possible only for invoices fully satisfies the validations mentioned by the GST Portal.


IRN generation from Invoice Edit page

Once an IRN is successfully generated, related details – IRN, eInvoice QR, Acknowledgement No, Acknowledgement Date will be included in the Invoice Print.


IRN cancellation feature too will be available for IRNs generated successfully for 24 hours from the Invoice Date in the Invoice Edit page only. Thus IRN cancellation can be only one at a time.

Invoice Nos once subjected to IRN process cannot be re-used which is possible otherwise.

Other related changes

  • Indian States listing in addresses across the application is now handled in a controlled manner, i.e., it has been changed to Drop-down select option. This is to make them compliant with the GST State-code systems.
  • Sales Return will now result in a Credit Note for the Customer & a Note Voucher once the Note is approved (instead of the erstwhile wrong behavior of resulting in a Purchase Voucher)

Other changes

  • Delivery Address section in Invoice/DC now has a Contact person that will be printed in bold. It will be auto-filled with the Party name, but is Editable.
  • Invoice/DC Item Particulars tabulation has been re-aligned to pack information better
  • GRN Item Particulars tabulation has been re-aligned to pack information better

Bug Fixes

No of Bugs Fixed: 39

Bug ID Summary Priority Severity
13713 [GST e-Invoicing] Generate JSON to be uploaded in IRP and listing invoices not related to IRN’s High major
14026 Not able to verify note displays internal server error High major
13856 [Expense] – Checked status should be displayed in bold and coloured Normal major
14027 The party page Name column space is not fully utilized Normal normal
14182 Single codes in special instruction – That purchase order didn’t save Normal normal
13795 [GSTR1] SR need not display for CDNR, CDNUR only note values allowed High major
13549 [Credit/debit note] Unable to verify the Manual note created under Unregistered party High normal
11907 In invoice add page not able to add material in place for new enterprise High major
13735 [e-invoice] Generate JSON for selected invoice list High major
7231 In sales Custom report, select option drop down, invoice sub options are not collapsed when select all option is unselected Low minor
7182 In sales dashboard, receivables ageing is not equal to ageing displayed in accounts dashboard (decimal difference) Low minor
7209 [Sales – Custom Sales Report] Invoice Payment Status, Pending Amount, Ageing (Days) not aligned properly to the left margin in the drop down Low normal
7904 [Invoice Template] NOTES section font size is not changed in pdf preview, dc and invoice pdf when Font size updated under totals tab Normal major
10240 IN OA view page not able to view OA PDF for pending OA (not all for some OA’s) Normal major
13070 [Invoice/DC] – Oops error gets displayed when invoice number is clicked from list grid Normal major
10045 In invoice add page OA popup , HSN added in OA is not displayed Normal major
10043 IN OA add page HSN is not mandated for non stock materials Normal major
8290 IN invoice PDF taxable value displayed for non material displays wrong value Normal major
6701 In invoice,GST tax not auto populated, while adding the material from OA popup. Normal major
11845 [OA] – Conversion rate warning pop up gets displayed though home currency is auto selected Normal major
13894 “Ship To” Contact Name stored and display in invoice pdf – [UI] Normal normal
13299 [SE] – OA creation success popup is not displayed when OA created through promote to OA Normal normal
8653 Print Copy related checkbox label is not displayed properly in the Invoice PDF header Normal normal
8192 [Invoice]Mandatory error message not highlighted in HSN field while adding material from the DC material popup. Normal normal
11409 [SR] – Party dc no drop down is not loaded when drop down clicked before module batch count loaded Normal normal
13627 [Invoice] – TAX PAYABLE ON REVERSE CHARGE’ is not displayed in pdf when not checked Normal normal
12468 [GRN] – When received against option is changed before default option records are loaded then page gets refreshed and wrong grn records gets displayed High critical
13847 [GRN] – Add material option not displayed in select material field when no material available for the enterprise High major
8988 [DC] – HSN field is not mandated when non stock material added from OA materials popup Normal major
11912 In rejected GRN Note preview is displayed Normal major
8235 [DC],Invoice number hyper link not available for selection. Normal major
6502 When unit is more than 15 characters in PDF the unit is displayed in unit column name Normal major
10826 [DC] – Unable to add one particular child material from po materials popup Normal normal
9264 [Indent] not able to update the QTY upto 3 decimals in the BOM Popup. Normal normal
8340 Incorrect error message is displayed while rejecting in the Approved DC PDF which was already Invoiced Normal normal
8243 In DC edit page item invoiced popup nonstock items should be highlighted in red Normal normal
8333 Delivery Address is not reset when user change Party in the Edit DC page where OA No. Material linked Normal normal
7092 In OA,cancelled water mark not displayed in the PDF for a rejected OA Normal normal
5371 In add issue page, issue for dropdown displays add new issue for option multiple times Normal normal
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