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Advance Filter for Custom Reports

Objective: To enable & apply filters on fields selected for Custom Reports (both Sales & Purchase).

Feature: So far, only a single date field serve as filter-criteria for the Custom Reports – PO Draft Date for Purchase & Invoice approved Date in case of Sales. Now, with this new ‘Advanced Filter’ feature the user is provided with an option to add filter criteria on all selected fields.


A link ‘Ignore This’ placed on top right corner of the date-range field can be used to exclude the date criteria from the search-criteria constructed in the Advanced Filter section.

‘Advanced Filter’ link placed on the top-right corner of the field selection drop-down will open the Search criteria capturing pop-up.

In the Advanced Filter pop-up, fields selected will be listed in the left pane, while the criteria being generated will be available in the right pane.










The filter condition will be based on the type of the field chosen, say Numerical or Date field can avail the ‘BETWEEN’ condition, while Text fields shall have ‘BEGINS WITH’, ‘CONTAINS’, ‘ENDS WITH’ & the likes.

In addition Date field will have a consolidation sub-criteria.

Certain conditions like ‘BETWEEN’ demands capture of two values & it is fulfilled as below.










The bottom summary section will list all the filter-criteria constructed in the utility, with option to remove them one-at-a-time.

To generate a report based on the constructed search criteria, the ‘Apply’ button has to be clicked.






Limitations: Only one condition per field can be constructed.


More data import from Tally XML

Objective: To capture more & more common information while importing data exported from Tally as XML.

Feature: Information from Sales Order, Purchase Order, Delivery Note, Rejection In & Out, Receipt Note, Stock Journal, Job In & Out will now be considered for import. The imported information will be placed appropriately in XSerp so the context of such information are not lost during import. Find the mapping below for more clarity.

Tally XSerp Stock Effected
Purchase Purchase Voucher + GRN received Against ‘Purchase Order’ Yes
Sales Sales Voucher + Invoice (Type-GST) Yes
Credit Note General Voucher No
Debit Note General Voucher No
Journal, Reverse Journal General Voucher No
Purchase Order Purchase Order No
Rejection In GRN received against ‘Others’ Yes
Rejection Out Delivery Challan Yes
Sales Order Order Acknowledgement No
Job Work In Order Acknowledgement No
Job Work Out Job Order No
Delivery Note Delivery Challan Yes
Receipt Note GRN received against (‘Purchase Order’, ’Issues’, ’Others’ – based on the documents linked in Tally) Yes
Stock Journal Issue & GRN received against ‘Issues’ Yes
Payment General Voucher Note
Receipt General Voucher No
Contra General Voucher No

Bugs Fixed

Total Bugs fixed: 114

Bug ID Summary Priority Criticality
7216 GRN is not auto verified when Generate Debit & Credit Notes for Purchase automatically is checked and GRN has 0 value High major
6777 [Voucher] – Imported voucher does not have bill number High major
6911 Wrong receivable value gets displayed in Receivable header box value High major
6941 In Account dashboard, sales revenue chart displays wrong data High major
6954 Negative value not displayed n Direct income and expense value for sales return High major
6778 [XML] – Empty project field gets displayed for voucher Normal major
6497 [Voucher] – PV and NV got created for 0 values High major
6874 Click on module badge count for Internal and credit debit sub modules , displays all GRN /IAN in the enterprise Highest major
6616 Badge count not displayed for expense module. High major
6753 [XMl] – Imported voucher is not displayed High critical
7179 [GRN – PO] – Imported GRN with po is displayed as received against others instead of purchase High critical
7063 [Clarify] – ICD is not auto verified when materials entered only in material returned tab High major
7271 [XML] – Materials in auto created Invoice has non stock material when imported xml has only SV High major
6779 [XML] – Imported Party as sundry debtor is not displayed in invoice page High major
7186 [XML] – Session error gets displayed when xml imported with new party without opening balance High major
7201 [XMl] – Discount value should be displayed in the imported PO, GRN and invoice from xml file High major
7204 [XML] – Already existing number gets displayed for imported po number when particular date range record is imported High major
7218 [Invoice] – Same material of different Oa should not be consolidated while xml import High major
7221 [XMl] – Same bill numbers gets displayed for all financial years for imported voucher High major
7225 [Sales custom report] – null gets displayed for HSN code, pending amount and ageing days for imported invoice High major
7273 [Tax report] – Displayed imported date as OA date High major
7276 [GRN – PO] – Imported GRN with po is displayed as received against others instead of purchase High major
7278 [PO] – On first import, random numbers displayed as Job purchase order number High major
6755 [PO] – PO draft should be same as PO for imported PO Normal major
6757 [PO] – 67 remarks gets displayed as link for imported PO Normal major
6758 [PO] – Empty pdf gets displayed when PO created without registration details Normal major
6759 [PO] – First imported po number in financial year start as 2 Normal major
6789 [ICD] – Imported GRN’s should have ICD in verified status Normal major
7134 [XML] – Imported po has po date in pdf as none Normal major
7138 [XMl] – Empty po pdf gets displayed for non stock material Normal normal
7175 [XML] – Duplicate party ledgers gets created when SV is imported for Sundry creditor ledger Normal normal
7181 [Party] – Party type not displayed when party imported with voucher Normal normal
7073 In mobile application, receivables and payables values displayed in accounts module mismatches with web Highest critical
7098 In mobile accounts module, NA is displayed in Profit and loss graph High major
6523 Pending note & voucher count should not be displayed when Internal audit and Ensure scrutiny checkbox not checked High major
5755 .In [Profile][material] OOPS error occurs in material name while providing more than 100 characters. High major
7106 [Material] – Attachment inline icon is not displayed in second page of material list grid High major
7247 [XML] Import party and verify address displays string infront High major
7248 [XML] Import sales voucher linked with sales order and verfiy max issue Qty is not displayed in OA popup in invoice edit page High major
7237 In PO custom report, Sorry unable to fetch data error is displayed when all options are selected and click on view report Highest critical
5375 [PO custom report] Rejected GRN should not be displayed High major
5431 [PO Reports] – Should Delivery overdue days calculated between po due date and grn inward date High major
5659 In PO dashboard, wrong data displayed in bad suppliers list grid High major
6913 In PO dashboard, bad suppliers list should display TOP 5 list High major
6968 In PO dashboard, bad suppliers list is not updated when a GRN is raised with rejection Quantity for new supplier Normal major
7135 [XML] – Imported Po with non stock material has null in discount field Normal normal
5387 [PO custom report] – After report saved or deleted, drop down is not refreshed Low minor
6970 IN PO dashboard, delivery overdue count displays wrong count High major
7161 [PO Custom report] – Wrong shortage qty gets displayed when same material different make is added High major
6927 [PO custom report] – On saved report selection, records has been changed while click on view report High major
6932 [Po custom report] – GRN created with Dc toggle in draft status should be displayed in the report High major
7048 [Custom report] – Though Delivery Overdue days available still Delivery status displayed as Pending High major
7054 [Sales custom report] – Saved report name not displayed in the drop down and already saved records not loaded High major
7120 [Custom report] – Wrong values are displayed in Received, Pending and qty yet to be ordered as per indent columns High major
7125 [Po custom report] – Indent details not displayed for non stock material of PO High major
7147 [Po custom report] – Invalid date gets displayed for few draft po no’s in PO due date and po date High major
7151 [PO custom report] – Ignore this link not available above po draft date field High major
7156 [PO custom report] – Unit displayed as Na for non stock material High major
7188 In[PO custom report],”NO matching record ” displayed in grid list while selecting indent no filter from advance filter. High major
7194 In[PO custom report],While selecting the advance filter with equal to indent date,”No matching record found” displayed High major
7236 In[PO custom report],Unable to fetch a report for the chosen Field combinations displayed while selecting all column from the dropdown High major
7250 In [PO custom report], GRN number not displayed For a PO which created with same indent. High major
7122 [PO custom report] – Delivery status displayed Delayed when due date is current date Normal normal
7228 In[sales custom report],gridlist not cleared after unselect the saved report from the saved template dropdown. Normal normal
7213 In[Sales custom report],Blank fields displayed while selecting OA Number & date,Customer name. Normal minor
7214 In[Sales custom report],Blank fields displayed while selecting OA Number & date,Customer name. Normal minor
6065 [Custom Reports] Filters for Custom Reports Normal normal
6902 In Sales custom report displays sorry unable to fetch data when all columns are selected and viewed Highest blocker
7207 [Sales – Custom Sales Report] OA Number & OA Date fields are not working when user searching through Advance Filter pop up window Highest critical
7184 [Sales – Custom Sales Report] “ENDS WITH” option is not working for “Customer Name” column in Advance Filter option High critical
7185 [Sales – Custom Sales Report] BETWEEN option is not working for Material wise invoice Qty column report High critical
7192 [Sales – Custom Sales Report] “Material wise unit price” column report searching through Advance Filter is not working High critical
7202 [Sales – Custom Sales Report] “Material wise Invoice value (Excl. Tax)” column report searching through Advance Filter is not working High critical
7208 [Sales – Custom Sales Report] 2 Filter option can add through click on CONSOLIDATE for “Invoice Date” column in Advance Filter popup High critical
7233 [Sales – Custom Sales Report] Sum of Invoice Value is not displayed with different type of columns combination to get Custom Sales Report through High critical
7234 [Sales – Custom Sales Report] The following columns “OA Date” & “Invoice Date” does not CONSOLIDATE by Year, Month & Date in the Custom Sales Report High critical
6919 In sales dashboard, sales revenue displays wrong data High major
6921 In sales dashboard, sales revenue chart displays wrong data High major
6936 In sales dashboard, OA overdue list should be displayed based on least overdue date High major
7172 [Sales – Custom Sales Report] CONDITIONS field is not getting displayed when user wants to change or add multi selection filter High major
7173 [Sales – Custom Sales Report] “1 filter(s) applied” is getting displayed even though filter cleared in the Advance Filter pop up window High major
7174 [Sales – Custom Sales Report] Advance Filter popup window should not display filter condition when user add filter & click on Close button High major
7210 [Sales – Custom Sales Report] “Tags” column report searching through Advance Filter is not working High major
7222 [Sales – Custom Sales Report] “Other Tax in invoice” & “Invoice Values (excl. Taxes)” column selected report searching through Advance Filter is not working High major
7249 [XML] Import sales order with duration of process and nature of processing, verify in OA instructions the data is not displayed High major
7251 [XML] Import JOB order in with description for materials ,verify instructions are not displayed in remarks feild in material list grid High major
7253 [XML] Import JOB order in and verify OA type should be job work instead of sales High major
7254 [XMl] Duplicate OA numbers are created while import High major
6230 [Custom report] – Empty list grid displayed when only customer name and invoice related columns are selected Normal major
6232 [Custom report] – Empty list grid displayed when only invoice number and tax related columns Normal major
6804 In invoice add page, add a faulty material with soft warning, in warning message faulty tag is not displayed Normal major
6948 In sales dashboard, click on show more link in top geographies panel, verify radio button is not selected in popup Normal major
6955 In sales dashboard, most recent added customer list displays customer name when invoice is not approved Normal major
6961 In sales dashboard, most recent customer list displays wrong value when OA and invoice raised for the customer Normal major
5406 [Custom report] – Save report pop up is not cleared after report is saved Low minor
7256 [XML] Duplicate GRN number is created when stock journal imported with new material stock High major
6705 In GRN against issue,Issue number not displayed in the view grid list. High major
6822 [Stores – DC] Based on MSL value warning message is not displayed when user changing ‘Issued On’ for draft status DC & Submit High major
6829 [GRN] – Approve a GRN in edit page from pdf pop up, edit page is not displayed with approved GRN number after pop up closed High major
7262 [XML] Empty GRN is created, when XML imported with JOB IN purchase voucher with only ledgers High major
7263 [XML] Import rejection out and verify DC report undefined is displayed in material detial columns High major
7265 [XML] Import sales voucher with discount, discount is not displayed in invoice edit and PDF page High major
6794 [Custom report] – Wrong values gets displayed for the imported PO Normal major
7090 In[GRN -Issue],Grid list not updated after approve the GRN. Normal normal
7091 In[GRN against issue],cancelled water mark not displayed in the PDF after reject a approved GRN . Normal normal
6987 UI issue in GRN agasint issues add page, while loading issue number feild is enlarged Normal normal
7081 In[Indent],Success message disappeared & Rate not updated in purchase view while double click the Purchase button. Normal normal
7082 In [GRN],”No changes detected in Receipt code to save!” while double click the save button in the approved GRN Normal normal
7084 In [DC],”No changes detected in DC code to save!” while double click the save button in the approved DC number Normal normal
7089 In[GRN -Issue],Grid list not updated after approve the GRN. Normal normal
7101 [Issue] – Date field becomes empty as issue page not loaded properly when page refreshed from issue add page after material added with soft msl warning Normal normal
7246 In GRN edit page, click on approve/ reject button , verify remarks count is left alligned and displayed infront of remarks label Normal normal
7026 [DC] – ‘Create New DC’ gets displayed in DC add page until clicked on any field Low minor
6928 In[configuration]Page become ideal, while clicking ADD ALL hyperlink in Claim & expense heads Normal major

Known Issues and Planned Changes that will be delivered in subsequent releases shall be found here.

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