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More data import from Tally XML

Objective: To capture more & more common information while importing data exported from Tally as XML.

Feature: Material In & Material Out information are now considered for import. The imported information will be placed appropriately in XSerp so the context of such information are not lost during import. Find the mapping below for more clarity.

Tally XSerp Stock Effected
Material-In GRN against Others Yes
Material-Out (to Party) Delivery Challan Yes
Material-Out (internal) Issue Yes

Bugs Fixed

Total Bugs fixed: 62

Bug ID Summary Priority Criticality
6497 [Voucher] – PV and NV got created for 0 values major High
7314 [XML] – Duplicate ledgers gets added when master.xml and daybook.xml(with dependencies) imported together major High
7308 Import Purchase voucher and verify the GRN in ICD view page, invoice column displays 0 for the GRN major High
6522 [Expenses] Replace the toggle button with tabs major High
7319 [XML]Import party ledger as creditor but adding sales voucher for that ledger and verify the error log is displayed major High
6781 [Invoice] – Oa number does not remain selected in imported invoice edit page major Normal
6764 [OA] – Corrections in imported OA pdf major Normal
6763 [Oa] – Duplicate remarks gets displayed for imported sales order when same vouchers imported twice major Normal
7296 [Tax report] – Quantity column display wrong value major Normal
7268 [XML] – Wrong invoice and sales orders numbers gets displayed major Normal
6767 [PO] – Able to edit currency field of approved imported PO normal Normal
6766 [PO] – Order no imported from the Purchase order should be displayed in Instruction field normal Normal
7238 [XML] – During first import of master, log gets displayed twice for same description normal Normal
7240 [XMl] – For first day book import, log is not displayed normal Normal
7168 [XML] – Group id not provided for account group imported from xml normal Normal
7139 [XML] – None should not get displayed for authorized signatory, instead imported username should be displayed normal Normal
7141 [XML] – Though internal control checkbox is unchecked after import module count gets displayed normal Normal
7198 [XML] – Upload button should not be displayed when user has view access only in admin module normal Normal
7224 Empty OA drop down displayed during session timeout normal Low
7199 [XML] – Imported successfully gets displayed when empty xml file is imported trivial Lowest
7282 In GRN edit page material Qty are not displayed due to which GRN detials not displayed in PO custom report blocker Highest
7281 In PO dashboard, Purchase expense value should display the sum of purchase account group ledgers major High
7293 [PO customreport], Indent pending Qty displays Qty including rejected PO Qty major High
7239 IN PO custom report, select options dropdown ,party INV number sub option is not displayed when GRN number is selected major Normal
5456 [Custom Report] – PO Status with completed status should display date of last created grn when multiple grn created major Normal
5382 [PO Custom report] – Instead of select unit, NA gets displayed for the non stock material major Normal
6806 [PO custom report] – Non stock material name not displayed, instead ‘NA’ gets displayed major Normal
5377 [PO Custom report] – Non stock material should have Drawing no column empty major Normal
6925 [PO] – Make with MPN not displayed in correct format in custom report major Normal
5190 [Po][custom report] grid list details displayed as undefined while session expires. major Normal
7158 [PO] – Able to amend po with 0 value though qty and price values are available normal Normal
7274 In[PO custom report],Applying Indent number option in advances filter,Duplicate indent number record are displayed. major High
7289 [PO custom report] – PO wise report and custom report records are not same on particular date range major High
7316 [PO custom report]-Unable to fetch report is displayed when report searched with options as in PO wise report major High
7160 [PO Custom report] – Indent details not displayed for all materials with different make major Normal
7157 [Po custom report] – Rejected PO should not be displayed major Normal
7193 In [PO custom report],Previous month data also displayed while selecting after condition in advance filter for indent date. normal Normal
7205 IN [PO custom report],Previous month data also displayed while selecting after condition in advance filter for PO date. normal Normal
7229 In[PO custom report],”No matching result found” message displayed.When applying advance filter with GRN no all condition. normal Normal
7190 In[PO custom report],Applying advance filter option with indent date,Inappropriate data displayed in the gridlist. normal Normal
7203 In[PO custom report],Applying advance filter option with PO date,Inappropriate data displayed in the gridlist. normal Normal
7258 In[PO custom report],Payment status delayed not displayed for the supplier credit days. normal Normal
7165 In[PO custom report],Popup get closed while clicking outside the popup with added filters. normal Normal
7164 In[PO custom report],Values field in additional popup is not cleared after change the item changed in the filter normal Normal
7152 [Clarify] – Records displayed in po and material wise report is different from po custom report normal Normal
7159 [PO custom report] – Material and Delivery status column should be empty for draft Po normal Normal
7232 [Sales dashboard] – Top geographies and customers does not display imported sales voucher details major High
7295 [XML] – Unable to add new PO and Oa when daybook.xml file imported with existing data major High
7306 [OA] – Invoice value displayed in OA list grid does not include discount major Normal
7304 [XML] – In Invoice edit page , sales account doesnt display the sales ledger selected in imported sales voucher major Normal
7309 [XML], Import sales order with discount for materials, verify OA grand total mismatch with sales order value major Normal
7279 [Sales – Custom Sales Report] Error message is not displayed when user selecting “To” date as lesser than the “From” date in BETWEEN condition for OA & Invoice date normal Normal
7142 [XML] – Imported GRN edit page should have all labels in blue major Normal
7257 [XML] Auto generated Issue numbers are not generated sequentially, when imported stock journel is imported again with extra data major Normal
7242 [XML] Import DC and verify grand total value is not displayed in edit / view/ PDF pages major Normal
7261 [XML] Import rejection out and verify the log , displays invoices imported should be Dellivery challan imported major Normal
7243 [XML] Import stock journel and verify issue to and issue for is displayed empty, major Normal
7311 [XML], Import sales order with discount for materials, verify OA grand total mismatch with sales order value major Normal
7307 [XML]- Invoice value not displayed in GRN against po list grid normal Normal
7303 [XML] – When new records imported with existing records then po numbers is not in sequential order major High
6151 Tally XML Import -(Sales Order,Purchase Order) normal Normal
7144 Version number not updated in the application normal Normal
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