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Material Profiles – Rejigged

Objective: To remove the confusion between Profiled & Un-profiled Items without compromising on the ease provided by the option to work with up-profiled Items. This change is also meant to bring more clarity of purpose/distinction between Stockable & Non-Stockable Items (which was represented earlier through such classification).
Feature: Item profiling & handling of Items in documents have been revisited to provide more flexibility, ease-of-use & clarity. Changes provided for the purpose are listed here
  • Item Particulars section will now feature only one tab ‘Material’ (‘Others’ tab will no longer be available).
  • Anyone can add an Item by just typing in a Name/Description of the new Item in the type-ahead. (This is in addition to the ‘ADD MATERIAL’ option available for Admin Users)
  • This feature is available wherever an Item Particular section is provided for, which includes Indent, PO, GRN, Invoice, DC & Issues.
  • Items, so far added under the ‘Others’ section will now be available in the Material Profile list as NonStockable (Stockable flag disabled, Unit names included as part of Name).
  • Issuable limit will not be validated for all Non-Stock Items
  • Non-stockable Items can now be analyzed in Stock related reports, a filter option is provided for the purpose.
  • Material listing page will now feature search criteria & field filters to manage the additional load that the default profiling of the erstwhile Non-profiled Items will add to.
  • Drawing No field in Material Profile is optional & it can accept a few special characters.


Merged Tag & Project

Objective:To merge all open-ended Text labels under one category of information. This is merely the first step of re-work for text labelling

Feature: In all documents, the Tags fields are removed, as it’s one of the least used & not-so-clear features of the application.

‘Project’ field will be used for the purpose

This field is not mandatory anymore.

Limitation : Right now there are no provisions to Edit or deactivate a Project / Tag.


Exchange rate accounted in BoM Costing Sheet

Objective:To provide for capturing Exchange Rates of Foreign Currencies dealt with by Parties while working with BoM Costing Sheet.

Feature: BoM Costing Sheet will now have provisions to capture Exchange Rate vis-a-vis the Enterprise’s Home Currency, if price for any of the BoM Items was profiled in a Foreign Currency.

Exchange Rate thus fed will be applied in the Costing Sheet & will be available in the CSV download too.

Limitation : Exchange Rate has to be manually fed by the User. Yet to pick them automatically.



Payment Reminder & Online collection of Subscription Fee

Objective: To provide the Users with a hassle free Subscription experience.

Feature: Two items are provided to fulfill the said objective.

  • Subscription/Trial expiry reminder – a banner with count-down timer & options to handle the Subscription will be displayed on top of the application page & in mobile app


    • Subscription/Trial expiry reminder – a banner with count-down timer & options to handle the Subscription will be displayed on top of the application page & in mobile app


  • Payment Gateway Interface integration to enable Online collection of Subscription fee.

Limitation : Changing a Subscribed Plan is not provided for yet.

Mobile Changes

  • GRNs pending for approval will now be listed in the App under Stores → GRN → Pending GRN section, with options to Approve/Discard each item


  • Item Price profile details – Effect Since & Till, Price, Remarks – are now editable via Mobile App.


Other Changes

  • Invoice Template is equipped with Date Formatter, similar to the one with Purchase
  • Invoice Transporter copy now has a Receiver Acknowledgement section.
  • Purchase buckets in Purchase View of Indent Edit page now provides for collecting Payment Terms, Delivery Due Date & Special Instructions
  • All document PDF generated will now have appropriate document names, instead of generic names like document.pdf or invoice.pdf, etc.

Bugs Fixed

Total Bugs fixed: 83

Bug ID Summary Priority Severity
11170 In GST R purchase report GRN against JOB work also should be displayed High major
10430 [Subscription] Provide for Reminder & Subscription/Renewal link High major
7102 In mobile expense tab, click on verify button twice, voucher for that expenses is created twice Normal major
7461 [Force update] When net is off ,page redirected to login page Normal major
10049 In mobile auditing tab when click on material name material details page is not loaded Normal major
10051 In mobile auditing tab when click on non stock material name Qty split up is not displayed Normal major
10241 In mobile GRN status displayed all GRN , IRN and SR count clarify whether only GRN should be displayed Normal major
7462 [force update] The force update/ recomended update warning message should not be closed when click on back / click on the screen Normal normal
8165 In mobile accounts dashboard, fund position data should be seperated into cash and bank balance as in web Normal normal
8683 In mobile takes long time to verify the expenses Normal normal
10243 In mobile payment collection graph vertical axis should display value in lakhs now it displays percentage values Normal normal
9343 [Material] – Child material should not be allowed to change as ‘Not in Use’ material High critical
9224 [Material] – Processing displayed for long time when upload button clicked valid file after error warning popup High major
10186 [Profile-Material] Space is not displayed between the words in the material drawing number when uploaded instead “_” is displayed High major
10355 Material Change log not displayed for specification High major
7829 [Usage report] – Wrong actual count displayed for non stock material when JDC and GRN created for JO only for stock material Normal major
9837 [Purchase] JO Toggle has not been highlighted in the Edit JO page where changed from PO to JO and saved. Normal major
9847 Amend a PO with non stock material by adding a material, non stock material is not displayed in PO edit page Normal major
9988 [Purchase – Purchase Order] PRICE text box has been highlighted in red while removing auto populate price from the PRICE text box (Stock & Non-Stock – Item Particular) Normal normal
7137 [PO] – Page keeps loading when edit icon clicked after session timeout Normal normal
9007 OOPS error is displayed in PO wise report when last financial year report is viewed Normal normal
9682 In Purchase Order edit page when delivery schedule is not added “NILL- 0.00” is displayed Normal normal
9714 In PO edit page when material added with alternate unit price displays extra decimal values (round of issue) Normal normal
7856 [PO] PO quotation is not deleted Normal normal
10452 [Sales-OA] INVOICE VALUE displayed in the OA Grid list page does not include the tax value added in respective OA High major
11331 In invoice PDF displays extra page at the end High major
11334 In OA PDF special instruction is not displayed High major
10575 In sales dashboard item recently sold items displays transport and freight charges High major
9885 [OA] Mandatory warning message not displayed while Updating OA without HSN code. High major
10784 [Invoice] – Non stock material not displayed in the view oa materials popup on selecting dc no High major
6934 [Invoice] – Wrong Pending qty displayed when same material available in selected oa in invoice edit Normal major
8510 Invoice not created when invoice created by seelcting multiple OA number and material added for only one OA Normal major
9830 Not able to amend invoice by updating discount Normal major
5353 [Invoice] – Added party is not displayed in the party drop down Normal normal
6267 In[Sales Dashboard],On-time supplies chart should display for 6 months. normal
6958 In sales dashboard, most recent item list displays non stock item with “-none” Normal normal
7800 [SR] – Null gets displayed in Material list grid instead of invoice number when selected invoice number has date in last year Normal normal
8039 Not able to update Invoice by updating material Qty from OA popup , displays “NO changes made” message Normal normal
8253 In invoice add page when DC numbers are selected, tag from selected DC should be auto populated Normal normal
8316 [Invoice/DC] – When module batch count is clicked, Invoice/Dc with all status gets displayed Normal normal
8351 Not able to add sales return when IGST is not edited Normal normal
8530 [Invoice]Smart suggest is not displayed for tax dropdown in add invoice page. Normal normal
9832 In edit invoice page material list grid in consolidated row saved discount is not displayed Normal normal
9919 In sales estimate add page not able to add new material Normal normal
8227 In sales return, invoice number should be mandated Normal normal
10789 In approved invoice edit page, super edit icon near next serial number should be hided when serial number is edited Low minor
10636 [Indent] Purchase button should not be displayed in the Indent page who does not have edit PURCHASE access High major
10480 [GRN Rejection Profile] Empty REJECTION PROFILE material table has been displayed for Non Stock material in the PDF page High major
10197 Issue number is not updated while editing with super edit icon in the edit Issue page High major
9855 [IRN] MSL warning message not displayed while updating the Quantity. High major
11092 In indent pending report rejected PO Qty is displayed High majo
6859 In[Issue] able delete a material Normal major
8338 Not able to update issue number (super edit) Normal major
8345 In GRN add page , PO mandatory error message displayed as ” DC NO is required” Normal major
8358 [Issue] – There is a delay to display max issue count after material selection Normal major
8571 In GRN edit page in material list grid same OA number displayed for all materials when mutliple OA materials are added Normal major
8608 [GRN] – Able to create GRN with goods already received having shortage value more than value available in party dc Normal major
8674 [GRN JobIn] – For non stock material make gets displayed Normal major
9843 In DC add page OA popup max  issue value displayed more than 3 decimals for material with alternate unit Normal major
7722 [SR] – ‘No Action taken’ gets displayed when GRn rejected with ICD in returned status Normal major
10090 Clarify: In issues add page profiled non stock material should be added Normal major
7866 [JDC] – ‘Qty cannot be reduced’ warning gets displayed when jdc created with non stock material Normal major
10517 [GRN-PO] Rejection reason not wrapped up in GRN PDF fields. High normal
9350 In Indent PO page split PO popup when click on split button mandatory warning for supplier is not displayed Normal normal
9985 [Stores – DC] RATE text box has been highlighted in red while removing auto populate price from the RATE text box Normal normal
7745 [GRN] – No change takes place when update button is clicked after session timeout Normal normal
5326 Edit GRN agaisnt issues, not able to update Quantity in decimals in material list grid Normal normal
7580 [GRN] – GRN against others pdf, DC qty is displayed as 0 Normal normal
7873 [GRN-JO] Not able to add GRN by adding accepted Qty more than pending Qty for nonstock material Normal normal
8041 [JDC] – To be Returned checkbox in material list should not be editable in JDC add page Normal normal
8190 [IRN] – MSL warning message displayed when issue no selected during IRN update Normal normal
8193 In GRN add page not able to add same material with and without PO number Normal normal
8388 [GRN PO] – Material already exists’ warning pop up is not displayed when same material added in GRN edit page Normal normal
8675 [GRN PO] – DC/Invoice toggle remains disabled when Purchase option selected from JobIn Normal norma
8951 [GRN Job in] – Unable to close MSL warning popup when OA materials popup is displayed Normal normal
10415 [GRN Rejection Profile] REJECTION PROFILE table is not displayed near to the header in the PDF Normal normal
7625 [GRN-JO] In ICD verify a GRN against JO with Goods received already chekcbox and verify , audit note tab details differs Normal normal
7809 [GRN -JO] When multiple party DC selected among which one is with returned materials only, after save the party DC is not selected Normal normal
7008 In GRN against issues add/edit page ,when all materials are deleted , should display “please add material” warning Low minor
7852 [DC] – On clicking tab, cursor does not move to next field when issued on date field is edited again after reset Low minor
8430 [Clarify] In GRN against JOB IN , when material added from item particulars store price is auto populated Low minor
10573 [Review] Study usage ast.literal_eval() then replace as json.loads() if required High majo
10456 GSTR Sales Report should be generated to all Invoice type Normal normal

Known Issues and Planned Changes that will be delivered in subsequent releases shall be found here.

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