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Material/Item Profile page UI rework

Objective: To accommodate more Item specific profile configurations & to improve ease of use, by organizing & grouping relevant profile elements appropriately.
Feature: BoM & Price profile sections are taken as pop-ups instead of the expandable sections. In addition a new section named ‘Specifications’ is introduced, details of which will be explained in the next section.

Specifications in Item/Material Profile

Objective: To enable profiling of Item Specifications information that might be used for various purposes & processes, including Quality Control.

Feature: A new section, namely Specifications is added to the Item Profile page. Any number of Specifications can be profiled for an Item. Each Specification consists of the following details

    • Parameter – mandatory Open text field – this will be label of the Specification/Property
    • Min Value – Numeric, Optional, Nullable – if the parameter has a lower tolerance value, it shall be profiled in this field
    • Max Value –Numeric, Optional, Nullable – if the parameter has an upper tolerance value, it shall be profiled in this field
    • Unit –Text, Optional – unit used to measure the parameter
    • Inspection Method/Tool –Text, Optional – the method or tool used to assess this parameter
    • Instruction/Comment –Text, Optional – any other instructions w.r.t the Specification
  • QC Critical – Boolean, False by default – flag to mark the relevance of the Parameter w.r.t Quality Control

These Specifications will then be available during the QIR Process (which is also introduced in this release & explained in next section).

Quality Inspection Report

Objective:To provide for capturing Quality Inspection logs, generate & include related report in Print formats of relevant documents
Feature: QIR will be available in all documents related to Goods Transfers (both inward & outward). Such documents will be GRN (received against various documents), Issue Return, Sales Return on the inward side & DC, Invoice, Issue on the outward side.

QIR will be popped open by clicking on the icon that will appear in the Item Particulars row on mouse-over.

Any Specifications & QC Instructions profiled at Item level will be listed in the pop-up. Inspection/Observation logs can be captured against the Specification Parameters so profiled in Item Master.

Even if no Specification was defined in Item Profile, a generic field named ‘REMARKS’ will be available. Apart from the Parameters & Remarks, two more data features in the QIR, namely ‘Sample No’ & ‘Quantity’ to mark any identifier for the Sample being placed under Inspection.

Quality Inspection logs thus recorded will be printed along with relevant documents

Limitation:Highlighting defective samples based on Parameter range is yet to be provided for

Rejection Profiling in GRN

Objective:To provide for capturing reasons for & categories of Item Rejection during Inward transfer of Goods via GRN.
Feature: In GRN, Item Particulars, all non-zero Rejection Qty will appear as hyperlink, which will open a pop-up that will capture possible Rejection categorization/reasons.

Only validation for this section will be that the total Quantity in this section should be equal to the total quantity of Items Rejected.Rejections so profiled will be available in the GRN print too.


  • Carrying over the different reasons & debit value to the ICD Notes is not yet provided for. It will be available in the next immediate release.
  • Partial Rejections & Rework Items taken back to Stock/Inventory will not be accounted into Stock automatically.

Other Minor Changes

  • Job Invoice Print to include Party DC nos via which Job Orders were taken in.
  • In the Sales Dashboard, relevant Unit of Measurements were included in the Recently Sold Items Report.

Bugs Fixed

Total Bugs fixed: 4

Bug ID Summary Priority Severity
10383 Unable to Open the newly Created OA PDF High major
10289 Invoice auto generated number does not display subsequent number for different type of Invoice when type is made as 0 in invoice format High major
10260 In OA edit page grandtotal is not displayed due to which prev and next icons are not displayed High major
10266 [Stores – DC] Subject of email & content of body has indicated the Invoice, instead of DC while sending email of DC PDF from DC module High major

Known Issues and Planned Changes that will be delivered in subsequent releases shall be found here.

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