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InvoiceInvoice Template – PDF Preview

Objective: To provide a Preview of the PDF generated with the configurations that are being changed.

Feature:  A ‘PDF Preview’ button is provided to the immediate left of ‘Save’ button. Clicking on the button will open a pop-up with a PDF generated with dummy data reflecting the changes made in the Template Config.

The PDF Preview pop-up consists of two tabs, namely ‘Single Page Invoice’ & ‘Multi-Page Invoice’ to represent respective settings as Preview.


Template Config Audit log

Objective: To intimate the users when was the Template last updated & by whom.


A small Info label telling the same will be displayed just below the title ‘Invoice Template’.


Bugs Fixed

Total Bugs fixed: 15

Bug ID Summary Priority Severity
7645 [Invoice Template] “list index out of range” warning pop up is getting displayed when clicking on PDF Preview button High critical
7660 [Invoice Template] OOPS error is displayed when enter more than 50 characters in available text box in the Invoice Template screen High critical
7323 [Invoice Template] – PDF pop up is not displayed on clicking PDF Preview button High major
7436 [Invoice template]Update DC by updating notes by applying styles and verify PDF is not displayed High major
7665 [Invoice Template] Non Profiled Material does not display Tax when selecting PART OF ITEM DETAILS in the TAX at Invoice Template High major
7668 [Invoice Template] “Packing & Forwarding” and “Transport & Freight” section HSN/SAC details are not displayed in the HSN/SAC column High major
7672 [Invoice Template] ROW SEPARATOR is still being displayed after deselected High major
7686 [Invoice Template] Preview Panel is not reflected the ISSUE DATE field updated label text or removed text High major
7700 [Invoice Template] TAX details are not displayed for “Packing & Forwarding” and “Transport & Freight” section when configuration as TAX as PART OF ITEM DETAILS High major
7403 [Invoice Template] Cancelled watermark in rejected invoice PDF displayed below item table , should be displayed above Normal major
7674 [Invoice Template] All Tax detail (Consolidated Summary & Compound Tax) value is disappeared from Preview Panel when deselect the “SHOW TOTAL SECTION” in Invoice Configuration Normal major
7669 [Invoice Template] Line break is not displayed between Invoice Number & Issue Date and Row separator not displayed above the additional tax in the Simple template Normal Normal
7670 [Invoice Template] RATE & AMOUNT IN ONE COLUMN displaying on the row separator line in PDF pages Normal normal
7671 [Invoice Template] GST is displayed instead of GSTIN in the company header of Invoice Preview Panel Normal normal
7696 [Invoice Template] NOTES section font size adjustment should be adjusted through spinner box available at Totals tab FONT SIZE normal normal

Known Issues and Planned Changes that will be delivered in subsequent releases shall be found here.

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