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  5. Purchase Order

Purchase Order

A Purchase Order is an official document that a buyer issues to a seller indicating information about the items they want to buy, their quantities, and their prices. Let’s see how Purchase Orders work in Xserp.

Create Purchase Order:

To create a new purchase order:

  • Go to Purchase >> Purchase Orders.
  • Click the + button in the top right corner of the page.
  • Choose the type Job Order or Purchase Order.
  • Fill the fields with details. 
Fields Description
Project You can create and choose the project to which this material belongs to or choose internal as default
Supplier Choose the supplier from the list by entering their name or code
Indent no Select Indent number if available, by clicking this indent no, it will auto-populate the material requested in the indent
Indent type Choose the type of indent
Material name Choose the material by entering their name or drawing number
Quantity Enter the quantity to order
Price The price for the selected material from the selected supplier will auto-populate if price profile has been done or enter the price manually
discount Enter the discount in % if available 
+ (add)  Click the + button to add the material to the list, keep adding material to the list by clicking + button
Currency Choose the Type of currency
Taxes Choose the tax applicable and add 
Quotation ref no Enter the quotation reference number if available
Quotation date Enter the date of quotation
Delivery due date on Choose the delivery due date or expected date of delivery
Charges included Click the check box if applicable 
Instruction Type the instruction in the given box that would reflects to your PO
Remarks Type the remarks in the given box that would reflects to your PO
Payment terms Enter and choose from the drop down about how you would pay for this PO

Note : Fields with (*) marks are mandatory.

  • Click Save as Draft.
  • A Draft number will be assigned to the document.
  • Saving draft would redirect to PO page,  initially the status of the PO will be as Draft, click the status.
  • PDF file of the PO will open.
  • Approve and Reject button will appear on the top.
  • Check the PO document and click Approve. 
  • Approving the PO would change the Draft No to PO Number.

Quick PO

Xserp has featured with Quick PO option. Here you can enter a PO without mentioning tax instead enabling taxes extra check box. This would minimize your PO creation time.

How to create Quick PO

  •  Go to Purchase >> Purchase Order.
  • Click the Quick button in the top right corner of the page.
  • Choose the type Job order or Purchase order.
  • Fill the fields with details.
  • Click Save Draft or Save & Approve.
  • Saving as draft would push the document for approval whereas Save & approve would redirecting to approved PO page.

View Purchase Orders

If you have already created purchase orders, you can view them in the Purchase Order module. Here’s how:

  • Go to Purchase >> Purchase Orders.
  • Select the purchase order you wish to view by clicking the status or the preview icon at the end of the corresponding PO row. 

Edit Purchase Orders

You need to edit your purchase order that you have already created. Here’s how:

  • Go to Purchase >> Purchase Orders.
  • Click the Edit icon at the end of the corresponding PO row that you want to edit.

Status of Purchase Order

A Purchase Order in Xserp can have any one of the following statuses.

Status Description
Draft Purchase orders when created, will be in the Draft status.
Approved Purchase order once approved by the authority, will be converted to a bill and the status will be approved.
Rejected  If the authority rejects your purchase order, the order can be cancelled and the status will be rejected.


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