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Adding employee

In Xserp, you can add your employee details.

In order to generate payslip for  an employee, it is important to add the employee details to your Xserp account. 

There are two methods to add employee to your xserp account.

Method 1:

Go to HR >> Employees.

Employees list will be shown if you have added earlier.

In case of new start,

Click + create button on the top.

There will be four tabs, under each tab enter the fields provided.

General info 

Field description
Employee Id Company provides their employee with the unique number or ID, enter the Id here
First name  First name of the employee
Last name Last name of the employee
Email Email ID of the employee 
Mobile number  Mobile number of  the employee
Employee photo You can upload your employee photo by choosing from your file

Note : Fields with (*) marks are mandatory.


Field description
Department Initially create the departments available in your enterprise by clicking +Add New Department from the drop down. Choose the department that the employee belongs to.
Employment type  Choose the type of the employment from the list
Employment status Choose the status of the employment from the list
Date of joining Click the calendar icon and navigate within the calendar and choose the date of joining of the employee 
designation  Enter the designation of the employee
Pay structure  Choose the pay structure that the employee subjected to. Before that create the available pay structure.

Go to HR >> Pay structure >> +create

Place of work Enter the location where the employee works
Earned leave details  Enter the earned leave applicable for the employee 
Casual leave details Enter the casual leave applicable for the employee

            Note : Fields with (*) marks are mandatory.

Personal Details

Field description
Date of birth Click the calendar icon and navigate within the calendar and choose the date of birth of the employee
Gender  Select the gender from the list
Blood group Select the blood group from the list
Address  Fill out the address details in the corresponding fields like address line, city, state, postal code
Father’s name  Enter the Father’s name of the employee
Mother’s name  Enter the Mother’s name of the employee
Emergency contact number Enter the emergency contact number to whom the employee is closely associated with
Marital status Choose the marital status of the employee from the list 
Spouse name If the employee is married, enter the spouse name of the employee
Adhaar number Enter the Adhaar number of the employee
ESI No Enter the ESI Number of the employee if applicable
PF No Enter the PF Number of the employee if applicable

Note : Fields with (*) marks are mandatory.

Bank details 

Field description
Account number Type the bank account number of the employee
Account type Choose the type of the account from the list
IFSC code Enter the IFSC code of the corresponding account
Account name Enter the name of the account
PAN number Enter the PAN number of the employee

Note : Fields with (*) marks are mandatory.

Fill out the above mentioned fields that are required and click the Save button.

Type 2: 

You can import your employee details to your xserp account through excel document.

Go to HR >> Employees.

Click upload button on the top.

Choose employee.

Upload window will open and click Download Sample link.

An excel file will be download to your computer, prepare the sheet in the given format and save it before uploading.

Click Attachment button and choose the file from your computer.

Click the upload button, your file will get uploaded in seconds.


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